编者按珠海德威国际高中成立于2010年,是德威国际教育集团在亚洲的第四所国际学校。作为德威国际教育集团的一员,珠海德威传承了德威公学的教育经验,是一所纯英式国际学校。此外,德威公学还担任珠海德威办学的督导职能,每年都会派专人到学校视察,确保学校的高质量教学水平。此前,皇家莎士比亚剧团来到珠海德威,给德威大家庭的“智胜全球活动(Worldwise Event)”注入新活力。 Swipe left for English version 一年一度的皇家莎士比亚剧团驻校讲学活动(Royal Shak...
编者按珠海德威国际高中成立于2010年,是德威国际教育集团在亚洲的第四所国际学校。作为德威国际教育集团的一员,珠海德威传承了德威公学的教育经验,是一所纯英式国际学校。此外,德威公学还担任珠海德威办学的督导职能,每年都会派专人到学校视察,确保学校的高质量教学水平。此前,皇家莎士比亚剧团来到珠海德威,给德威大家庭的“智胜全球活动(Worldwise Event)”注入新活力。<< Swipe left for English version >>一年一度的皇家莎士比亚剧团驻校讲学活动(Royal Shakespeare Residency),再次来到珠海德威的戏剧课。这个项目源于EiM与皇家莎士比亚剧团教育部(the Royal Shakespeare Company Learning,简称为“RSC Learning”)的合作,也是今年德威国际学校大家庭范围内的“智胜全球活动(Worldwise Event)”之一。在刚过去的3月,珠海德威迎来了英国皇家莎士比亚剧团(Royal Shakespeare Company,简称为“RSC”)的副团长Peter Bradley先生的大师学习坊。RSC是世界上最大的剧团之一,以演出莎士比亚的戏剧为主。在这为期五天的宝贵体验中,Peter带领着10年级 IGCSE 戏剧课的学生们一起感受戏剧的魅力。学生们参加了多个学习坊,学习了英国皇家戏剧学院在排练大型剧目时使用的不同排练和表演技巧。“鬼魂”上身的小戏精临近本次大师课堂的尾声,学生们在爱德华·艾伦的舞台上为师生们呈现了精彩的表演。展现了他们在一周时间里与Peter共同探讨的戏剧节选片段,并运用了在课堂上习得的RSC的各种戏剧技巧。这些节选片段来自多部剧作,其中包括美国编剧、剧作家高雅竹(Frances Ya-Chu Cowhig)的现代剧作《六月雪》(英文原名:Snow in Midsummer)(RSC 于 2017 年首次演出),以及莎士比亚本人。其中,《六月雪》是学生们首次接触的剧目。该剧改编自中国元代戏曲家关汉卿创作的杂剧《窦娥冤》,它一方面体现了中国古代文学作品的色彩,与莎士比亚的戏剧有强烈的共鸣。因此,Peter和珠海德威的戏剧主管老师Mr Moon共同决定把《六月雪》作为学生演绎的剧目。《六月雪》和《哈姆雷特》中都有一个鬼魂的角色,并试图为自己伸张正义或复仇。为此,学生们探讨了鬼魂在两套戏剧当中的意义,和如何通过戏剧手法表达这些鬼魂的情绪。Mr Moon珠海德威的戏剧主管老师“看到学生们与彼得一起工作,看到他们如何参与不同的活动、练习和剧本,绝对是一种享受。整个过程中,学生们的参与度和享受度都非常高,他们创造了一个真正值得骄傲的展示舞台。在一周的时间里,他们创作了一场展示表演,这是其中一些学生第一次在舞台上和观众面前表演,这非常了不起!就我个人而言,我不仅看到了学生与Peter合作期间所碰撞的火花,还有幸与作为莎士比亚戏剧专业表演者的Peter并肩工作。他所使用的技巧和练习,以及他所提供的建议,对我来说都是非常宝贵的。”(图左:Mr Moon,图右:Peter Bradley)在这次皇家莎士比亚驻校活动中,皇家莎士比亚剧团以及EiM的合作为学生们带来了开阔眼界和发展兴趣的机会。与世界级的专业戏剧从业者互动交流,甚至一起创作,让珠海德威的学子获益良多。再次感谢Peter Bradley先生付出的时间、他的才华、他的热情以及他对戏剧艺术的热爱。The annualRoyal Shakespeare Company Residencyhas once again come to Dulwich Zhuhai's drama classes. This programme is a collaboration between EiM and the Royal Shakespeare Company Learning and is part of this year's Dulwich International School family-wide "Worldwise Event".From March 4th to 8th ,Mr Peter Bradley, Deputy Director of the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC)came to Dulwich Zhuhai to conduct a learning workshop.The RSC being one of, if not the biggest theatre company in the world for performing William Shakespeare’s plays, alongside other plays. During his week stay at Dulwich Zhuhai, Peter worked with the Year 10 IGCSE Drama students. These students engaged inseveral workshops led by Peter, where they learnt different rehearsal and performance techniques used by the RSC when they are rehearsing for full scale productions."Ghosts" ActorTowards the end of the event, the students put on a fantastic performance for staff and students on the Edward Allen stage last week. The performance featured extracts from plays that they had explored with Mr. Bradley over the course of the week, using a variety of RSC drama techniques that they had learnt in class. These sections were taken from several plays, these being from a modern play called‘Snow in Midsummer’by Frances Ya-Chu Cowhig, first performed by the RSC in 2017, as well as sections from plays by the bard himself, Shakespeare, these being ‘Hamlet’ and ‘Romeo & Juliet’.One of the plays the students were introduced to for the first time was ‘Snow in Midsummer’. This play was based on the Chinese folktale ‘The Injustice to Dou E’, which both embodies the colours of ancient Chinese literature and has strong echoes of Shakespeare's plays.Mr Bradley and Mr Moon, Head of Drama, decided to use 'Snow in Midsummer' partly because of the Chinese links within the play.Some of these links are that both The Midsummer Night's Dream and Hamlet feature a ghost who, because of death, remains in its place and seeks justice or revenge. The students explored the nature of ghosts and how they could be represented on stage.Mr MoonHead of DramaWatching the students work with Peter was an absolute pleasure, seeing how they all engaged with the different activities, exercises and scripts. The level of engagement and enjoyment throughout was outstanding and the students created a showcase that they should be really proud of. The fact that they created a showcase performance over the course of a week, and then presented it to an audience in our theatre, was the first time some of these students had performed on stage. It's an incredible achievement!For me, it was a privilege not only to see the students working with Peter, but also to work with and learn from him on a professional level. The techniques, exercises and advice that Peter provided were invaluable to me and I have no doubt that I will take these back with me and use them to great effect in my own teaching.(Left:Mr Moon,Right:Peter Bradley)With the collaboration of the RSC and EiM,students have had the chance to widen their horizons. Dulwich Zhuhai students have gained from interacting with outstanding professional theater practitioners and even working together to create a piece.Thanks for Mr Peter Bradley once again, for his time, his talents, his passion and his love for the dramatic arts.转自:DulwichZhuhai珠海德威官方公众号【点击进入京领国际学校大数据平台,为孩子选择美好人生】电话:010-82362348微信:Kinglead008京领家长圈京领 KingLead